Do you show up both sacred + strategic?

Do you show up both sacred + strategic? The fourth way you can integrate the sacred + the strategic parts of your work is through: 4. How You Show Up.(Presence) Are you being who you want to be? Is the space you hold clean and clear—empty of your stuff—so that you can...

Is your creative process both sacred + strategic?

Is your creative process both sacred + strategic? The second way you can integrate the sacred + the strategic parts of your work is through: 2. How You Create Your Work.(Surrender) Do you make your decisions from your deeply-rooted knowing—rather than from your...

Are your business decisions both sacred + strategic?

Are your business decisions both sacred + strategic? The first way you can integrate the sacred + the strategic parts of your work is through: 1. How You Make Your Decisions.(Source) Do you make your decisions from your deeply-rooted knowing—rather than from your...

But will they pay me for that?

But will they pay me for that? Listen to this post. What if you did the work that you REALLY want to do—HOW you really want to do it?  What are you afraid it will cost you?  For so...

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