8 ways to integrate the sacred + the strategic parts of your work.

There are 8 concrete, practical ways you can integrate the sacred + the strategic aspects of your work to do what you really want do how you really want to do it—and step into your natural capacity to lead change in your profession:

1. How You Make Your Decisions. 

You can make decisions about your business from your deeply-rooted knowing—rather than from your habituated mind—and you can deeply trust those decisions. 


2. How You Create Your Work. 

You can allow your work to come through you—rather than creating it from your mind and will—and you can let it tell you what it is, what shape it wants to take—and in what timing. 


3. How You Structure Your Work & Your Business. 

You can put in the structure—and the systems—that provide the exactly right boundary and direction to the time, energy and resources of you and your team—to create equity, expansion of purpose, and ease of flow.


4. How You Show Up. 

You can hold a clean and clear container and work with clients without taking on all their stuff—or processing it through your system.


5. How You Understand & Practice Your Profession.

You can allow your spiritual practice to change and inform your understanding of what your profession is—and how it operates (or could operate).


6. How You Work with Your Clients to Create Results.

You can take your clients through a deep, transformative experience—using spiritual practice, art, energy, music or writing—to get a concrete result that they want.


7. How Your Work Holds & Transmits Energy.

You can infuse the energy that best serves your clients into what they receive in words, images, or physical objects—so that they (or their business or their clients) experience it in tangible form.


8. What Result Your Clients Want—and Get—when They Work with You.

You can work with clients to get a deeply transformational and an incredibly practical result. 


Which way resonates with you?
(I’d love to hear.)

When you integrate spiritual practice + strategy in the ways that are most natural and potent for you, you create a powerful and cogent body of work that:

  • uses and expresses all you have to offer; 
  • creates both a deep and highly-sought-after, transformational experience and profound concrete results for clients; 
  • and allows you to step into your natural capacity to lead change in your profession.


  • a connection (and claim) to your lineage of spiritual practice—and the continuity of how it runs through you to your work;
  • a clarity of voice, purpose and structure in how (and why) you do what you do—and confidence in its efficacy, necessity and value;
  • a clear, simple structure to your work—that streamlines processes, creates space and increases revenue; 
  • an approach to marketing—and a way of being in sales conversations—that is rooted in your presence and the integrity of your work;
  • a practice full of aligned and joyful clients—who value and gratefully pay you for what you uniquely offer within your profession; and
  • a team that works for you (and with you)—rather than you working for it.

You can have a clear path to this for yourself and your work. 

I’d love to work with you to distill it—using both spiritual practice and sound business strategy.

There’s a space for you in a focused Intensive or a fully-supported 6-month Mentorship to do this.

To learn more:

I’d love to talk to you.

I came into our work together desperately wanting to weave together different parts of myself, specifically spirituality and business, but what came out of our work together was infinitely deeper. 

Rama Devi holds this incredible space with a strong connection to the Divine—and always has the right spiritual tool for the right moment. It feels safe to go deep, and exactly the right messages come at exactly the right time.

I was worried that I would not have the revelations that I needed or at all, but it was the opposite. There were so many! 

[What I’ve been carrying around forever] is gone! I’ve gotten clarity around my business (exactly what I do and who my clients are). I’ve had remarkable clarity about where my time goes and where I want to spend it, led by Spirit. I have also seen my finances at a deeper level than ever before (x20). 

It’s been amazing. I have shed a million layers; I am quite changed; and I feel more myself than I ever have. Such a blessing. I’m on my knees with gratitude.

Lara Corr

Public Health Sociologist • Epidemiologist • Coach • Spiritual Practitioner

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