But will they pay me for that?

What if you did the work that you REALLY want to do—HOW you really want to do it? 

What are you afraid it will cost you? 

For so many professional women, the cost feels high—and the clarity about HOW feels elusive. 

What if the ease, spaciousness, and satisfaction you crave from your work is available to you—without having to escape your profession—by bringing the sacred into your profession?

And that it will give your clients what they (secretly) want most—and will transform the inequity and limitations of your profession (that keep you wanting) at the same time? 

That is the power (and magic) of telling yourself the truth about the spectrum and depth of the work that wants to come through you—in all its multi-dimensionality. 

And giving it voice.

There’s a space for you in a focused Intensive or a fully-supported 6-month Mentorship to do this.

To learn more:

I’d love to talk to you and share the details.

That we can’t THINK our way to the solution sooooooooooo resonated with me.

For years, I tried to reason my way through—and it hadn’t worked. I couldn’t articulate what I wanted, but I knew it wasn’t logic or reasoning. 

I didn’t know how working with Rebecca would flow, but I was willing to try. What I received was clarity, direction, and insight.

The speed of the progress I made in such a short time surprised me. Rebecca had said it would be quick, and it was!

There has been a full integration of all the pieces of the true ME. Not the intellectual, brainy me (the me that diligently DOES)but work that’s crafted in the language of ME and naturally flows from ME!

I see God in EVERYTHING, and for so long I have laid that gift aside. It hasn’t had anywhere to land and be received. Most others don’t know what to do with it. But here, this “deep and wonderful” me finally was accepted, invited to the table, and celebrated! 

I’ve wanted to integrate it into the work that I’m doing, but now I see the work has to integrate into my being. The “deep and wonderful” me is front and center, and it feels f’in awesome!

The stage is set for my transition to happen—from diversity consulting to the ministry of music and spirituality that I want to offer the world. All the pieces are there, and I have all that I need to see it complete. 

If you’re wavering between working with her or not—just DO IT. You won’t regret it.

April Thomas

Diversity Consultant • Musician • Intercessor

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