Your Soul Is Calling You into Something Bigger than Yourself.

by | Jun 7, 2017 | Bring Your Whole Self to Your Business, Create A Conscious Economy, Dharma: Life Purpose + Sacred Work, Spirituality + Business

What can a group of professionals who bring all their intuition and all their intellect to their businesses do?

Change whole industries. Change our economy. One piece, one client, one offering at a time.

That is what I believe.

I see you doing it. I hear you claiming it as your mission, your calling, your dharma. Why you are here.

It is my belief that it is my dharma to bring you together. The reason I am here is to: create the container, hold the space, offer the tools and the reflection and the support for you (for us) to create this change.

My mission statement when I started Ompreneur was this (I was just looking back at it): To catalyze socio-economic change one entrepreneur at a time.

“This is a movement. Ompreneur is a constellation of products & services for a new, holistic economy.”

And people told me, nobody wants that; they want an immediate individual need met.

But that’s not what you’ve told me.

You’ve told me that what you want—what your soul calls out for—is bigger than your own wholeness, your own full-throated self-expression: you want wholeness for your clients, for your industry, for our economy.

You want to end a false dichotomy you’ve experienced and identified—and the harm it causes. It began with you, but it doesn’t end there.

And, right now, you’re alone—out front. (Make no mistake about this. You see what others have not yet seen.)

I see you.

You’re integrating your innate gifts, creativity and mysticism into your life’s work. You’re transforming your professional business—or letting it go completely. You’ve received indications that your new, integrated voice and approach resonates . . . and . . .

You’re doing a confidence cha-cha, dancing between conviction and doubt.

You’re mourning the removal of the well-worn cloak of your professional identity.

You’re being called by this new work into a new way of working and living.

You’re longing for companions, co-conspirators, confidants.

You’re wanting someone else to hold the container, for once.

These last two pieces are important.

You’ve done a lot of work with and for a lot of people. You’re very comfortable—and accustomed to—being the expert, the advisor, the one-who-holds-the-space. To be vulnerable, to be held and allowed to explore, and even to flounder, that is a rarer experience—one that creativity and mysticism and embodied wisdom require.

Let’s do it together.

A Complimentary Meeting of Saraswati Circle

Friday, June 16
Noon – 1:30 ET

Saraswati Circle is a group mastermind experience for professionals just like you. It’s profound, and it’s practical. This is embodied work. The best way to know if it’s right for you is to experience it.

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