We need to talk about spiritual manipulation and abuse.

Apr 10, 2018 | Divine Wisdom, Trust Your Inner Wisdom

Most of my clients come into working together with some experience of spiritual manipulation or abuse—and hesitation and resistance about forming a relationship that engages their spirituality.

Is it any wonder?

The world’s religions and spiritual traditions are rife with all the pitfalls (to put it mildly) of human experience. We’ve seen it in all traditions.

Emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Misogyny. Racism. Homophobia. Violence. Rape. Righteousness. War. Slavery. Colonization. Dehumanization. Embezzlement. Conquest. Repudiation. Humiliation. Guilt. Shame. Rejection. Betrayal.

Some of the most atrocious and insidious acts have been (and are) perpetuated in the name of a god, cloaked in the righteousness of purported Divine wisdom, favor or destiny.

And yet, still more, so much of our pain comes from the drum beat of every day shame and guilt, suspicion and invisibility. It comes from the failure of teachings and traditions, and most notably institutions, to reflect us and our experience—or, worse, to actively denigrate what we know to be true and right and good about ourselves.

Because spiritual institutions, organizations, teachers and traditions are human endeavors, they are fallible. Hopefully, they are accountable, forgiveable and evolve. They certainly reflect the culture that gave rise to them. And they can embody rich wisdom, guidance and hope. But they are not themselves Source. When they teeter over into claiming such, they (we) inflict harm.

The image above feels like a meager offering in recognition of the pain of spiritual harm. (There is something doubly stinging and betraying about cloaking manipulation and abuse in spirituality. Something worthy of rage.) But I hope it is a simple gesture of healing and invitation on your journey to the home to your Self.

I do not have all the answers, and that is exactly the point. You have the answers. *You.*

If there is one thing about which I have absolute conviction it is this: the point of spiritual practice (and a spiritual teacher or tradition) is to cultivate the integrity of your trust in your own connection to Source, and thereby, your own spiritual authority.

You know when you meet someone who carries a divine spark, through whom the mysterious force of Life runs.

You know whose committed to their own practice, who lives and embodies it. You can feel it.

You have an instinct. You have the ability to self-reflect. You can cultivate discernment. You can cultivate trust.

You can see things for what they are. Know the Truth in your bones.

We are all born with it. We can all cultivate it.

That is the point of spiritual practice.

You are the point of spiritual practice. That you may know deep connection with Self and Source in the dance of being human (which is why it is so powerful for both healing and the unfolding of your life’s work).

It would be my honor to work with you in a sacred practice of healing and unfolding. Click below to contact me, and let’s explore it.


Individual Mentoring

It is my honor to work with you in this sacred practice of healing and release.

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