If the formulas have failed you, you have not failed.

You want to sink into ease and trust and flow—and you want a formula. 

Something that is going to take the fear and wavering and uncertainty out of it. 

Something you can learn, even if it’s about yourself, and implement. 

And if you implement it effectively, you’ll get the result you want—without the pain (and the journey) of fear and grief, release and transformation. 

But there is no formula for ease. 

There is no formula for trust. 

There is not even a formula for flow. 

(Despite what all the manifesting and wealth consciousness evangelists might tell you.) 

The path to ease, trust and flow runs right through fear, shame and grief. 

(And there’s nothing formulaic about that.) 

Trust is the result of the relationship between your fear, your power and the Sacred. 

And it begins with telling yourself the truth. 

(But none of this sells, so we don’t talk about it.) 

If the formulas have failed you, you have not failed. 

You’re being initiated into profound trust in the truth and power of your own clarity—and its capacity to create your fully integrated body of work, with clarity of voice, purpose and structure, from a deep presence of being—with the spaciousness and peace you’ve been longing for your entire life. 

You are right where you need to be.

If it feels hard to hold yourself in this initiation, know that: You’re not meant to.

And you don’t have to do it alone. You can be midwifed into this sacred trust.

Click here to learn more.

“I would not have dared to hope for the things that have changed in my life because of this work. 

I don’t know what has happened. But my whole fucking life has changed. Saying ‘yes’ was one of the most consequential decisions of my life.

Relationships that felt toxic, insurmountable and inescapable suddenly shifted. Situations that had no clear possible solution, suddenly gave way to new, wildly unexpected outcomes. My income increased significantly (without our focus and seemingly effortlessly).

When we started working together, I was so terrified of the unknown. But the truth is not scary. It’s liberating. And the only thing that got burnt down to the ground (despite my fear) were the barriers to it. 

Now it’s terrifying to think that I might have never known what was possible if I hadn’t worked with Rebecca.”

Katie Owen

Therapist • Business Coach • Copywriter

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