Yoga is incredibly deep and complex. It is also incredibly simple. It resides in the breath.

The breath connects us to our Source. The breath is the vehicle that connects the body, the mind and the spirit. We understand this. We say, Take a Breath. Breathe. Because we know. We know the power the breath has to shift everything, immediately. And yet, we forget. Yoga could be reduced to simply “Remembering the Breath.” (My teachers are huge advocates (and students) of the breath.)

The breath has physiological calming powers through its impact on the nervous system. Breath awareness has the power to shift our perspective, our mood and our thoughts in the moment. It is through the breath that we cultivate awareness, and ultimately consciousness. In meditation, we watch the breath. We even control the breath. In asana (the physical practice of yoga), we move with our breath.

The breath is the most basic tool for our wellbeing, our awareness and our transformation. It is tangible—and it is always available to us. It is easy to say cultivate awareness, cultivate joy, cultivate acceptance, in every moment. But how? The answer is: Use the Breath.

Yoga has special breaths for specific purposes to bring about an intended result. These are useful, powerful and immediate. But, you can simply bring awareness to the breath you use every second of the day. My guru has taught us, Take 5 conscious breaths a day.

Stop right now. Take 5 conscious breaths. Breathing in, “I am breathing in.” Breathing out, “I am breathing out.”

How do you feel? What shifted?

When can you use this in your business?


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