THIS is What You’re Doing.

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Walk the Path of Your Soul

I wake up each morning asking, “What am I going to do today?” Feeling somehow like I have little to do, little direction, little impetus or drive…and yet, THIS is what I am doing. I am renovating a basement into a studio. I am still refinishing details, like doors, of our apartment in this 1880 house. I am creating the groundwork, the foundation of my life. How do I discount that, every single time?

On our trip, I became very clear that what I most want is a creative life. “How can that happen?” I asked. “What will support that creative life?” Here is the answer: I’m living it right now. And every morning, for a brief second, sometimes more, I look past it.

Why? I don’t have all the answers to that, except to say that it’s habitual and ingrained to look forward, to want more, to have a direction, a purpose, a vision and to get up each morning and to work toward it. We’re incessantly bombarded by these messages, as if life is defined wholly by us and growth is linear. It’s hard to be in transition, to not immediately move on to the next thing. And the path to our vision inevitably doesn’t look like we thought it would. (Our vision may even change along the way.)

So, I offer these observances instead.

Get practiced at looking closer.

For all the calls to big visions and life purposes, I respond, Look Closer. Look right in front of you. What are you doing this very minute? Be there. Be engaged fully. That’s the next step. Creating what you want (or think you want) isn’t somewhere off in the distance; it isn’t even in a neatly-packaged to-do list or clearly articulated self-identity. It’s right here. Up close. Today. Now. With whatever is in front of you.

Root down.

I’ve written about this before: most business owners I meet are working from their hearts up. They are not fully connected to the energy in their lower body. It’s where fear, shame and unworthiness reside. So, we avoid being fully present and connected with and in our bodies. We (at least this has been the case with me) avoid self-care and acts of nesting and nurturance. We skip over them. We delegate them out.

We as a culture undervalue them. Women feel a tinge of embarrassment or unworthiness telling people at cocktail parties that they’re stay-at-home moms. We don’t pay well for caregiving. We boast about how much we work.

But, these lower chakras, this lower body energy, that’s where your power is. That’s where you meet the material world, where you create stability and sustainability. That’s where you connect, where you create.

When you create without that foundation, without sufficient nurturance and stability, connection and confidence, you experience anxiety, implosion. You keep running—because in the absence of a solid ground, energetically and literally, there’s only what’s next.

I know it’s been true for me. I spent a lot of years not having time for nesting and nurturance. Not being interested in the “mundane” and the everyday. This recent discounting of what is showing up in my life right now is the most recent, more subtle version. And it cuts me off from deeper connection, power and flow.

I truly believe our most profound work, and our most fulfilling lives, only come when we’ve rooted down into these first, second and third chakra energies and valued their related tasks and experiences in the world.

Honor the Cycle.

We all have cycles. Honor this. Honor the cycle you’re in.

Our dharma unfolds in cycles that can be understood as archetypes. Me, I’m in a Nurturance cycle. Things are close to home. I’m called to engage in work for the love of work. To nurture my body and my space. To love the mundane even, as the divine. It’s the most challenging cycle for me—a Wisdom archetype—to be in. I have pushed it away my entire life. Until now.

I asked for it. It showed up, and now I’m here, looking right in front of me, doing what’s right in front of me, letting go of big plans and living very close to the ground.

I invite you to explore with me how this plays out in your own life.

I’ll be hosting 3 weekly live exploration calls on money, energy and exchange on Fridays at 2 ET:

October 21: Your Energetic Foundation: Security, Power & Flow

October 28: Your Innate Nature

November 4: Your Right Relationship with Resources

We’ll continue the conversation between calls in a private FB group.

This exploration is experiential. We’ll use movement and sound, art and words.

I invite you to explore. I invite you to experiment. I invite you to embrace your own unique relationship with money and exchange.

There’s no email opt-in. Just click here to join the private FB group.

There is no charge. There is, however, an exchange. (After all, that is what we’ll be exploring: the energy and forms of exchange.) I ask that you share with me what that exchange is for you: what are you contributing and what are you receiving.

This is a deepening of my work and a deepening of our relationship. I’m not selling you into a program. We’re literally exploring where this takes us.

Click here, and I’ll see you in the FB group.

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