A Pause in the Heart of Summer

by | Aug 10, 2017 | Structure + Flow, The Creative Cycle

{Full disclosure: that is not me. I cannot do that pose. Yet. Perhaps never, and that’s OK.}

Since the Summer Solstice, I have been called deeply into the tactile and the experiential—and called away from words, my computer, phone and all digital engagement.

I want the sunshine and the sea air. Plants, rocks, dirt. Simple, physical work and play.

This happened last year. I was without words—a not moderately perplexing experience for me. I wrote about that Silent Transformation and overtly and transparently honoring our cycles.

That is the beauty and power of consciously witnessing and honoring our creative cycle:

We begin to see (and deeply trust) that there is nothing wrong.

We begin to bow down to the experience and wisdom of all phases of the cycle. To live in rhythm—with surrender, gratitude and awe.

It is clear to me that I have two distinct, natural pauses in my creative cycle—the womb of Winter and the heart of Summer—in which to Embrace Nothingness. The nothingness at the heart of summer—by which I mean, no production, just pure and simple enjoyment of what is—surprises me, still. I expect the heat of transformation to be active. I expect to have focus, vigor.

I am active. I do have vigor. But that fire in my belly is not for work. It’s for living. Knowing that, allowing it, then embracing and honoring it, is essential to working in flow.

I’ve found that there are 3 essential elements to working in flow (and without burn-out):

  1. Cultivate (and commit to) a daily practice
  2. Take your cues from nature’s creative cycle
  3. Work according to the energetic pattern of your soul

This is what we do in Sacred Sound Circle (at the most fundamental level of being): Get into flow through a daily practice attuned to the energy of nature’s creative cycle.

I invite you to join us to catalyze and sustain your natural flow.

As a bonus, through August 21 (the new moon solar eclipse), you’ll receive 3 audio workshops on the energetic pattern of your soul and letting it guide how you work.

And, Sacred Sound Circle has a beautiful new invitation page, in which I am in love, so be sure to check that out to learn more (and let me know what you think).

Sacred Sound Circle

Embody the wisdom in the rhythm of life.

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