Your profession is too tight for the roar of your soul.

It’s time to listen—and to lead.

You get concrete, practical results for your clients. (You’re skilled. You’re experienced. You’re respected—and you’re excellent at what you do.) 

And that is no longer enough. (Honestly, it hasn’t been for a long time.)

You have a deeper aspect to your work—that is how you really want to do what you do.  

It’s different from the rest of your profession. (It’s energetic; it’s holistic; it’s revolutionary, even . . . but we’ll get there.) And it doesn’t seem to fit (at least not in the ordinary way).

But you can see how your profession needs it.  

And how you need it. 

You can no longer live with talent (and creativity and depth) wasted. You cannot continue to be disconnected from your own sense of Self. 

Your whole life you’ve been identified as a leader, and yet, you cannot get the work you know you are meant to do out into the world.

Because you cannot figure out how to effectively bring this deeper (sacred) part of your work forward—and integrate it with the strategic, concrete and practical results-oriented part (that already successfully exists).

You have no model for how to bring them together. Not in the same business. Not in the same offering. Not in your profession. Not at your stage of business. 

You’re confused about what that would look like—and how that would work (and what the impact would be)

You’re afraid that, if you do put this deeper part of your work front & center in what you do, you will no longer be seen (and respected) for your mastery of your craft. 

(And will anyone really pay you for it?)

You can do thisthe work you really want to do how you really want to do it now—without sacrificing professional respect, personal relationships, or financial stability.  

And you will step back into your natural capacity to lead.

This is a pivotal moment.

There are 8 ways you can integrate the sacred + the strategic aspects of your work—and there’s only one thing that keeps you from doing it.

When you untangle that one thing at its root—and integrate the sacred + the strategic parts of your work in the way that is most natural for you:

You will open the space—and radically change your ability—to clearly and confidently bring the deeper aspect of your work forward to be fully developed, integrated and visibleeven if that deeper aspect is not yet clear to you.

You will rest in your own calm, clear certainty about what your work truly is—and what it can accomplish—in all its dimensions.

You will speak the truth of the full spectrum and depth of your work (without being anxiously obsessed about the outcome). 

You will listen deeply for your own wisdom to guide both what you offer and how you offer it. 

You will act with trust and discernment in exactly the right way, and in exactly the right timing, for you, your clients, and your business. 

You will not rush—and you will not reach anymore for what is outside of you. 

The power of your calm, clear certainty will come through in every aspect of what you offer, how you offer it, and who you are in it—to create a unique, powerful, and profitable body of work that:

  • uses and expresses all you have to offer
  • creates both a deep and highly-sought-after, transformational experience and profound concrete results for clients; 
  • and uniquely positions you as a thought leader in your profession.


  • a connection (and claim) to your lineage of spiritual practice—and the continuity of how it runs through you to your work.
  • a clarity of voice, purpose and structure in how (and why) you do what you do—and confidence in its efficacy, necessity and value;
  • a clear, simple structure to your work—that streamlines processes, creates space and increases revenue; 
  • an approach to marketing—and a way of being in sales conversations—that is rooted in your presence and the integrity of your work;
  • a practice full of aligned and joyful clients—who value and gratefully pay you for what you uniquely offer within your profession; and
  • a team that works for you (and with you)—rather than you working for it.

This is a pivotal moment.

(Did I say that?)

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