Money, Energy & Exchange: An Exploration

by | Oct 24, 2016 | Special Announcements, Spirituality + Business

I want to make sure that you know that:

You are invited into an exploration of your relationship with money, energy and exchange, as it flows from your innate nature.

My invitations have apparently been easy to miss—as has, gratefully, been brought to my attention: “Hey! I follow you pretty closely, and I’ve missed this invite…”

Not at all what I intended. Next time I will put the invitation up front (in at least a couple emails).

I hope that all of you who want to participate can be with us!

Here are the details.

I am hosting 3 weekly live exploration calls, Fridays at 2-3:30 ET:

October 21: Your Energetic Foundation: Security, Power & Flow (recording available now)

October 28: Your Innate Nature

November 4: Your Right Relationship with Resources

We’ll continue the conversation between calls in a private FB group.

This exploration is experiential. We’ll use movement and sound, art and words.

I invite you to explore. I invite you to experiment. I invite you to embrace your own unique relationship with money and exchange.

There’s no email opt-in. Just click here to join the private FB group.

This is a deepening of my work and a deepening of our relationship. I’m not selling you into a program. We’re literally exploring where this takes us.

Click here, and I’ll see you in the FB group.

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